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corporate dinosaur

Corporate Dinosaurs are someone who in their career have worked their way to the top, not evolving in their field. They know the system by heart, and know how to work their way around it. They most often work in bigger organizations where they contributes as a leader or boss. These individuals might know their field pretty well, but won’t know how to be a leader, or how to expannd beyond their field.

Just as a dinosaur, they are not adaptable, and won’t survive innovation - which is why they most often will try to avoid it. They won’t enjoy major changes that will jepordize their very comfortable position.

My boss is such a Corporate Dinosaur, he sits in his office all day and doesn't do shit

by yupyeah May 20, 2019

corporate frisk

v. to "risk" your job while getting busy at work with a hot co-worker in a risque place... say a janitor's closet?

guy #1: My job may be on the line but the sex with that hot new secretary was totally fucking worth it.

Guy #2: No fucking way man, Miri that hot new Latino chick? Where?

Guy #1: In our bosses office on top of the fax machine, I'm positive we faxed pics of our asses to everyone in our building...talk about a Corporate Frisk!

*Guys high five and disperse*

by makingNEWnotches March 28, 2010

corporate tongues

The regurgitation of corporate jargon and buzz words in order to fit in with you corporate peers.

When I asked Julie a question on our zoom meeting, she asked me if “ we could take this off line and circle back when she could wrap her head around this.” She then told me “she would be out of pocket and in the meantime if I could email her a high lever, view from 50,000 feet, so when she comes back into the office she can be laser focused on the issue.” I have no idea what she was talking about because she was speaking in corporate tongues.

by Grimmy46 March 3, 2022

corporal carpet

An individual that lives on the edge, isn't afraid to put his life on the line for the trippy hallucinations that an illegal substance may cause.

Dude, he was taking Xans like they were tic-tacs last night, he is such a corporal carpet!

by duemoturion June 4, 2017

corporate hashpipe

The process of losing short term corporate memory.

Angry man: The Board have made their decision how could you go against their wishes.

Idiot: Sorry man must have been smoking the corporate hashpipe...I completely forgot!

by little_kitten October 8, 2010

corporate andy

Someone who is all for the company. Conformist. "Yes boss, I'll pick up your dry cleaning". Always starts a sentence with the word "well".

That guy is such a corporate Andy. Brown nosing the boss again.

by YMYLYB May 13, 2015

Corporate Illiteracy

The inability to read emails or follow directions within a corporate setting.

Did anyone even read the meeting invite notes or one of the many follow up emails I sent to come prepared to answer questions? Wow, corporate Illiteracy rates are high this week.

by Dokki June 12, 2020