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da biggist baddest hoe in st george school.

by barbie November 7, 2003

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Pinky Sewer

Alternative name for a stinky vagina.
The name is derived from the pink coloration of the inside of a vagina, accompanied by the stench of a crusty, cheesy, sticky, sweaty, or jizz-filled vagina.

She had that nasty Pinky Sewer goinโ€™ on last night so bad, I had to crack a window so a brother can get some fresh airโ€ฆ damn, she a crusty crack-ho.

by Arbbunny September 30, 2015

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Pinky and the Brain It

The act of getting so sun burnt that your skin peels and you become all pink. Then you throw on a speedo and let your balls hang out the side.

Bro, I got so sun burnt on vacation I'll have to pinky and the brain it all week in the name of comedy.

by Niasyn August 20, 2011

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Stinky pinky

When an individual engaging in sexual intercourse wets his or her pinky and sticks it in the other partyโ€™s anus.

Person 1: Hey, I want to put my massive cock in my girlfriendโ€™s fartbox, how do I convince her?

Person 2: While youโ€™re taking her to pound town, give her a stinky pinky.

by Reptar, Destroyer of Clits June 30, 2019

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Pinkie Pie

The 2nd most powerful fictional character, she has the powers of insanely high jump and is faster than flash, and is responsible for the world's happiness. Also a big party person

Pinkie Pie is so cute and my favorite My Little Pony character

by Skyla Shirogane May 26, 2021

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registering a pinkie

Noticing one has an erection

Bob was disturbed when registering a pinkie while watching The Golden Girls

by smcduk November 1, 2017

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Pinky promise

a lie. they will always forget about it :(

person1 : I wonโ€™t leave you

person2 : pinky promise :) ?
person1 : pinky promise

Person1: im done bye
person2 : but u pinky promised :(
*opended 28/9/20

by iminpainlol November 28, 2020

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