a phrase of destress when you are in pain.
*stubs toe* "owww, fudge me with a rake!"
When a guy scraps the end of his dick across a pair of tits as if he were raking the the lawn
Did you just titty rake me? Wtf?
When a man's urine exits the penis in several different directions instead of one solid stream. Usually occurring after ejaculation, it often creates an unwelcomed mess on the toilet seat, floor, and sometimes pants.
Hey man sorry about getting piss all over the floor! I had a bad case of rake effect.
An answer to a question that is a yes with many exclaimations.
So, you have been serving in the military your entire life? That's a rake!!!!!!
A word used by white people to call someone with the name 'Rakhitha' when they struggle to pronounce their real name.
A person the gets all the girls/guys
Jake- Yo Tommy is such a rake
Daven- yea he takes in all the girls
Rake: An old-fashioned term for a man who behaves in an immoral way, for example by having sexual relationships with a lot of women. Similar to the female term, "slut."
"John is a rake who only seeks women for sexual relations."