when you need to get in shape but then you say "I'm not that fat I'll wait until I'm fat fat" and eat cheetos instead.
Hey, let's pull an almost gym tonight, I look okay. Do you have the chips?
A Gym Supplements that you can't not workout with.
Look at him he's lifting heavy weights. That's only because he's full of Gym dope
She was disappointed with Christopher when he took all the guys to tramp gym before the wedding.
A person who hops from machine to machine at the gym
Jon was switching machines at the gym often so all his friends said he was a gym frog
Someone who blindly shows up at the gym every day/week at the same time and does exactly the same workout / routine.
Look at the clock; its 5:25 and Randy in limbering up outside the Fitness Center waiting for the doors to open. He lifts 5 days a week doing the same workout. What a Gym Zombie.
the gymrats who leave their water bottles and jumpers around the gym equipment, walk off and come back expecting to have “their” gym apparatus back when it is not THEIRS IN THE FIRSt place. Walking AROUND LIKE THEY OWN THE DAMN PLACE and are more entitled to the equipment just cuz they’re jacked when sir… this is a public CHAIN gym.
Gym Colonialism is an atrocity which is often overlooked, but we should stand together against this modern day evil and jab these twits in the eye