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The word used when one has no idea what to say or is used to fill silence

Person 1 "soo how was your day?"1
Person 2 "*silence
Person 1 meep.

by yeep3000 June 27, 2017


A word to describe methamphetamine.

I am tweaking so hard because of that fire ass meep.

by SpunFun09 September 17, 2020


a character is meep city in roblox

I Just adopted a meep yesterday

by voomn March 27, 2020


someone who is a follower or a dick rider and will be like a puppet towards others

shut up bitch your a meep

meep ass nigga

by oneandonlymeep July 31, 2022


The word used by a certain Freya, when she reaches climax.


"i am going to cum" ... "MEEP"

by ThildeHempell June 4, 2021


to be so high it hurts

m-"im gonna get meeped tonight"
n-"ow dude"

by lmaooooooo1230137x June 8, 2018


meep is when u are high as fuck it hurts so u say ow

m-"hey dude I'm gonna get meeped tonight"
n-"shit man ow"

by lmaooooooo1230137x June 8, 2018