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Mo' Cherreh

Short for "More Cherreh" or cherry

a compliment
similar to good, awesome, sweet, sick, rad, insane, natz ect...

A local term in Hawaii usually used by surfers or Hawaiians

"Ho bra take a look at that chick over there!" "Ah she's alright but my girlfriend's mo' cherreh than her"

by Unko Kenny November 22, 2011

Mike Mo

One of the best flatground skaters alive. Hes also good at stairs and can shred a handrail to. His switch heels are superior and so are his tres and switch tres and switch flips and.. well you get the point.

Dude everyone knew Mike Mo was going to win battle at the berrics from the start.

by Jeff562 December 29, 2010

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(1) a person that identifies as homosexual, yet can be found engaging in sexual activity with the opposite sex, often while exclaiming loudly "it's okay...I'm gay!"
(2) Person of the male sex that portrays strong characteristics of a homosexual male, but is heterosexual, often while exclaiming loudly, "What?! I'm not gay!"

You know, Mathew is such a faux-mo, I totally saw him rubbing Boopie's jubblies behind that dumpster.

by Kumar & Harold September 25, 2008

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mo' shibbitibly

(defunct ghetto slang)

Agreement: Used to indicate confirmation, affirmation, understanding. esp. in response to another ghetto-esque statement.

"Damn, Jackson, home girl be lookin' fine-fine!"

"Mo' shibbitibly, my brutha."

by Felionious T-Dizzna January 19, 2005


AGNEZ MO is an Indonesian singer, songwriter, producer, director, actress, performer, dancer, and a business woman. She was professionally known as Agnes Monica before amending her new stage name. The Western world may have trouble placing the Indonesian superstar, but MO has lived in the spotlight since she was six years-old. Growing up in Jakarta as a daughter to two professional athletes, Mo was a child singing sensation who became a soap star, only to return to her roots as a solo artist. She has since collaborated with everyone from Timbaland to Chris Brown and garnered a cool 35 million loyal fans watching her every move across all social platform. Thousands stream her new releases in a matter of minutes. Despite her immeasurable success during a career spanning the better part of three decades (and a recent move to image-obsessed music mecca, Los Angeles) the singer says she's primarily committed to maintaining her authentic. 🀫 Also she's the most awarded artist in Indonesian history ever with over 180 awards!

Dream Believe and Make it Happen! β€”AGNEZ MO

Vogue: Is America Ready for Agnez Mo?, Indonesia’s Biggest Pop Diva Is Out to Conquer the Fashion World

PAPER: Agnez Mo is as Big as Bieber (But You Won't Catch her Bragging)

New Straits Times: Agnez Mo is Indonesia's richest celeb

by badch00chie November 8, 2020

Moing Chow

It’s a greeting, a thanking, a welcome, and a good luck to your mate

Moing Chow Everybody!

by Yoloswaggergstring October 15, 2020

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Mo mance

When two models or a director/organiser and a model from a fashion show, shoot or other, get it together. This is either in public or behind closed doors. The term Originated in Leeds after a University semi professional fashion show, filled with mo mance, spun out of control and made the local papers.

So did you hear about the Leeds R.A.G. fashion show? Mo mance central.

Man, those two models are so Mo mancing at the moment.

I haven't yet had any Mo mance in this show yet.

That director and model are having an inappropriate mo mance.

by Mark L7 February 28, 2011

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