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Fake Shifting

When a male pretends to drive a car with manual transmission when they don't have one (usually to impress females).

This usually involves switching to neutral at a stop so they roll backwards slightly before they drive away, or driving with their right hand on their shifter.

Man, that guy was fake shifting that car and it doesn't even come in manual! What a tool!!

by leaaron August 14, 2008

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See Phoojoeniam's definition for # or pound.

Phoojoeniam: Shift-3
TonyDanza: #

by Phoojoeniam September 6, 2003

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C-shift was invented so A-shift and B-shift didn't have to work every other day at the fire station. They are in touch with their feminine side. If you work overtime on c-shift you will get stuck watching the Lifetime Channel or Dancing With the Stars. Forget about football or any other sports. C-shifters are also known as the maids of the fire department because they love to clean the station every shift. Their favorite day is station day. In fact you may see c-shifters fight over who is going to clean the bathroom or mop the floor. When they graduate from the academy they are issued skirts, aprons, and their favorite cleaning tool of choice. C-shift is also known as the care bears of the three shifts because they think every call is a chance for them to be a shoulder to cry and and they are on scene forever trying to figure out whether to transport the patient or not. They also complain about everything. If a c-shifter won the powerball they would find something to complain and cry about. Last but not least you couldn't depend on anyone on c-shift to give you decent relief. If their lives depended getting to the station before 7:45AM they would all die. In conclusion the "c" in c-shift stands for complaining, crying, cleaning, care bears, and constantly late.

I am supposed to take my kid to school this morning but there isn't anyone to relieve me yet. Good old c-shift relief......

Who filled up the DVR with "Dancing With the Stars" and erased the football game? It must have been c-shift!

by Mr smith 1890 January 23, 2016

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The Paradigm Shift

In a general sense, a change happening on a vast scale. A shift in the big picture, if you will.

Specifically "The Paradigm Shift" refers to a certain oft discussed and theorized shift in social groups concerning several different intersecting social circles. The Paradigm Shift did not happen within the originally proposed timeline of the spring of 2008, but new evidence has come to light suggesting that The Paradigm Shift may still be happening, just on a larger timeline and consisting of not exactly the same changes as earlier expected.

"The Paradigm Shift" may still come to manifest itself in the first quarter of 2009.

by DYSTLLBLV? January 26, 2009

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Hell Shift

A hell shift is a particularly bad work schedule for any given day. Usually a hell shift involves working more than 12 hours in a continuous block, but it could also reference a late night shift followed by a lengthy early morning shift.

Today I am working a hell shift; my shift requires me to get up at 5am and work until 7pm. That's hell.

by Cranks March 5, 2011

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Shift 4

Money, Cash, moola, green paper. Any word that means money can define Shift 4. This word was created by using a computer keyboard. Hold down shift and press four and you make a money sign.

DJ DOC: Yo son, how we gonna get to Cali tomorrow for the show?

BV: Don't worry Doc, we be makin that Shift 4 so we will get there!

ex 2:
BV: U got my Shift 4?

Friend: How much I owe u?

BV: 300

by BV Productions March 22, 2009

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douchebag shifting

denotes shifting gears of vehicle, especially motorcycle, at high RPM for no apparent reason

That ricer obviously does not care about his gas mileage or the decency of the neighborhood, he's douchebag shifting.

by yzfpt April 28, 2010

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