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One who smokes chode.

Your sister is chill but your brother-in-law is a total chode-smoker.

by prostate August 6, 2005

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gypsy smoker

one who smokes more than their number of hits while the other members of the circle are too high to notice.

Hannah was being a gypsy smoker by inhaling three hits while others got two.

by Taylor Hensen September 2, 2007

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Social Smoker

One who waltzes out of a bar in faux-leather boots with a big grin on their face. They probably who pooled their cash for a pack with another non-addict. They're probably smoking American Spirits, and while they may be scrutinized for not being a "true smoker," really, they're not that big of a jerk... they're experiencing smoking, for the head rush, because of some famous person they saw

"lighting up," or maybe they are just doing to to fit in with you, the veteran smoker.

"I'm not REALLY a smoker, I basically only smoke when I'm at shows/dive bars/driving with my friend ______ who smokes. I'm just a social smoker!"

by eyesoar January 8, 2015

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bloke smoker

1. The verb: to bloke smoke - to give oral sex to a man
2. A bloke smoker - someone who gives oral sex to a man

"I saw him smoking a bloke last night, fucking bloke smoker"

by Ewan Slater March 21, 2007

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smokers widow

A woman whose use to smoking weed with her man, then they split. She now smokes alone. A smokers widow

She's a lonely smokers widow. Smoking alone, sad, and lonely

by Juicy May March 16, 2019

Sunday Smoker

A person who smokes other peoples weed and never brings their own.

I like to chill with John, but he's a Sunday Smoker.
Always smoking up my shit and never bringing his own.

by KeefKing13 July 12, 2019

Social Smoker

someone who smokes infront of groups of people and/or posts pictures of their cigarettes on social media such as snapchat/Instagram stories. Only smoke so people KNOW that they smoke. Only smoke for attention.

Jordan: here comes Ciara with her fake fags

Ashley: did you see her stories last night? Pictures of here fags every other snap

Jordan: she’s such a social smoker,it does my head in

Ciara *lights up cigarette(fag) and puffs a drag without taking it down*

Ashley: and she doesn’t take it down, socialsmokers like that proper piss me off

by sophia_ashbil March 4, 2018