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swine day

A day off when at least one person has a suspected, I mean suspected, case of the H1N1 virus. It could be just a pollen allergy or a little food poisoning the mimics the swine flu.

My school had to have a swine day because the nurse thought Timmy had a case of the H1N1 virus, even though it was a little case of the sniffles.

by Kyle230 October 28, 2009

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swine fluke

When someone is not feeling well or is home sick and another person tells everyone that they have the swine flu when they really dont.

John: "Betty stayed home today with a sore throat"
Natalie: "No I heard she actually has swine flu."
John: "No way! are you serious?"
Natalie: "No I am just spreading a swine fluke to scare everyone."

by BV4 May 6, 2009

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Swine Flu

When your friend goes home with a fat chick from the bar.

Dude, I think Jeff caught the swine flu last night. That bi*ch was HUGE.

by Horse Cack October 1, 2009

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Swine Flu

The H1N1 virus aka pig flu and the center of cold jokes among you and your idiotic friends.

A: *cough*

B: swine flu!

a: v_v *slap*

by Mamma Luigi November 8, 2009

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Swine Flu

A term coined in late 2008 by Seattle Hip-Hop producer, S.A.T., and popularized by an affiliated rap group. The term refers to being under surveillance by the police or DEA often relating to the trade of cocaine. The term originates from the source of the virus, swine, or pigs, slang for police. If one's traphouse is "infected" with swine flu, the first course of action suggested is to vaccinate, or in other words, kill the pigs.

Person A: "Ay im tryna cop an elbow"
S.A.T.: "Mayne I got that swine flu, meet me in the CD in 15 and keep it on the low"

by ByThePound September 22, 2009

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swine flu

When a non-white person is attracted sexually to white people, opposite of jungle fever

tyrone: man I don't know whats going on all of a sudden i think white girls are cute

malcolm: dawg you got swine flu.

by highflyer08 June 17, 2009

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Oinky Swine

Defender of justice. Superhero. Legend.

Look! Up in the sky! It's a bird! It's a plane! No, it's Oinky Swine!!!

by St. Michael January 29, 2005

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