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Only fools fall in love. Tina is a sexual Goddess but she’s spreading that shit around. She’ll take a gangbang and sleep in your bed that night. A scorned woman hath no fury. She may as well be the inspiration behind that. She’ll deny her own daughter her father if she feels personally scorned. A hot blooded, cold blooded sexual goddess of the night capable of making you orgasm 4 successive times with her unquenchable appetite for cum, but then going out and fucking the neighborhood. When pregnant, will not even slow down smoking or taking adderall and will then use her family to seclude the child from the father. The family knows this is the only way that Tina will ever have the respect of her child (wo the father in the picture). But little do they care for the child’s rights to know her father. A Tina cannot think for herself and therefore loves life through decisions made for her by others. A sexual goddess who will make you pay for your sin like Eve of old.

Hey, watch out, there’s a Tina. What she’s capable of is legendary cold blooded shit. Better to go home and go batin’ than to sell your soul to the devil.



A catgirl

Tina is a catgirl

by Abendshcwingen February 8, 2022


Tina is someone who is good for your soul. Someone with positive vibrations 🥰

Everyone needs a Tina, see good for your soul.

by BabyK208 September 10, 2023


teenage slang for “cartina” which is slang for a “cart” which is slang for a “cartridge” as in a weed pen - in certain situations it’s more of a code name as it uses discreet phrasing. can be said subtly to refer to getting high, can be used as an adjective, or just using your cart.

“I was hanging out with tina the other night and she made me do some things i regret”
oh girl… you know that tina time alone with you is never a good idea.”

by B347 December 9, 2024


A comedian on and off the stage who cares about all humans and animals wether she's known them for 5 minutes oif 5 years, she's full of wacky ideas, will always support those around her, and although tina has a lot to learn before she becmoes the perfect roommate i believe tina can save the world.

Someone melted the microwave cover, oh Tina.

by Tina's Roommate April 15, 2023


Kira kinnie

I hate tina bc she's a kira kinnie

by Definitely not chebi September 7, 2021


A Tina is like a Karen, but rather than contacting the manager, she just puts here hand on her hip and interprets what you said in the worst way possible and looks at you while giving you the silent treatment... she assumes you’re a bad person, even though she doesn’t know you. Some times she gives you a sarcastic “mmmhmmm” like she doesn’t believe you.
Sometimes a Tina assumes you meant to make a sexual innuendo or pun when you didn’t, othertimes, she things you meant the worst

Audrey: “What are you mansplaining?”
John:“No I’m trying to be useful because you misinterpreted me... There are too many mansplainers and not enough womanunderstanders”
Tina:hand on hip and look like she wants to say “uh-uh
“I didn’t mean it like that, Tina” said to a girl obviously not named Tina.

John, now acting like a Brad: “I just mean that you shouldn’t assume the worst in people, like just because you claim they’re mansplaining, doesn’t mean they weren’t just regular people making conversation, trying to be helpful.”

Tina: “mmmhmmm

“God, you’re such a Tina!” John, who is no longer acting like a Brad and is now acting like a total Larry

by Edmond P. McGill Escquire June 17, 2021