A joke most people use for having a boner, either in school to avoid detection by teachers or parents.
Person 1: I cant seem to get a woody on when I see her.
Person 2: Maybe you have erectile woody then.
Woody is a toy cowboy that likes to watch anime pornos and he like rubbing cherry anal cream on his face
"Woody got wood and found woody chan"
A guy who can break toilet sits with his own planet sized ass
Dam this toilet sit is broken
It must have been woody
A guy who can destroy toilet seats with his own planet sized ass
guy 1:Woah dude this toilet seat is broken
guy 2:it must have been woody
1. An erect penis
2. Slang for the city of Woodstock
3. A creepy, pedophilic, homosexual cowboy, typically found in children's bedrooms
That little boy from Woody just gave Woody a huge woody