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A joke most people use for having a boner, either in school to avoid detection by teachers or parents.

Person 1: I cant seem to get a woody on when I see her.
Person 2: Maybe you have erectile woody then.

by penguns January 11, 2021


shrek lookalike

gotta love woody

by samuellawson01 October 16, 2019


Woody is a toy cowboy that likes to watch anime pornos and he like rubbing cherry anal cream on his face

"Woody got wood and found woody chan"

by Woody gets wood March 9, 2018


A guy who can break toilet sits with his own planet sized ass

Dam this toilet sit is broken

It must have been woody

by A British boi February 25, 2020


A guy who can destroy toilet seats with his own planet sized ass

guy 1:Woah dude this toilet seat is broken

guy 2:it must have been woody

by A British boi February 25, 2020


Someone with a boner

Yo what's up woody

by Bigmaneddy February 24, 2017


1. An erect penis
2. Slang for the city of Woodstock
3. A creepy, pedophilic, homosexual cowboy, typically found in children's bedrooms

That little boy from Woody just gave Woody a huge woody

by TheAnonomousUser May 24, 2024