Source Code


the word dude can mean anything in the english language, depending upon accompanying gestures, the intonation and situation.

dude!! (hey man, its good to see you!)
dude. (hey. that thing you just did? not cool.)
dude! (awesome! i got a great new job!)
Dude? (will you hand me the remote please?)
DUDE!! (you slept with my girlfriend, and im upset)
dude.. (expressing; excitement, sadness, anger, fear, sexual arousal, discomfort, and or the lack of anything to say)

by vocabulasaurus rex April 5, 2013

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It's an Ingrown Elephants Butt Hair.

Don't do that, You disgusting Dude.

by Ravens-Nights March 12, 2010

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A word to grab the attention of a white male.

"Dude, come over here"

by Dubbs Weisshaar October 17, 2005

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Noun, describes an unbelievably perfect male, resident of Pinner/North Harrow, with black hair, best friend of mini-dude

"Sarah look! There's dude!"

by pain cobain December 11, 2004

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1. (n.) man who is much concerned with his dress and appearance
2. (n.) Slang stereotypically used by skaters and surfers.

1. That dude has more clothes than my teenaged sister!
2. Dude, check out this pimpin' ramp!

by SincerelyYumi December 5, 2005

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A hardcore horny guy who has tons of pornographic emoticons on his MSN and likes to show them off to his friends. He likes to hump footballs and turn on computers.
Another name for him is Wesley.

'Why are you putting that football in your pants? You're such a Dude..'

by Angelique1 September 21, 2005

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A word that is often used by skaters, surfer ex.
It's mainly used to one and other. Female version is dudette but I prefer to call everyone dudes.
Because everyone's a dude!

me: Hey dude
blee: like, dude.
me: Duuuuude
blee: yeah

by emy September 2, 2004

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