Source Code

Urban Dictionfairy

An anonymous UD employee that skims word entries, rewrites slightly better definitions, and takes credit.

My friend totally thought of "Qanus" but the Urban Dictionfairy got him again.

by Mastro K February 3, 2021

Urban Defined

A characteristic of Hip Hop Culture or representation of life in the city. Something or someone that defines Urban Life.

In hip hop culture, a bboy cypher during the breaks is an example of urban defined.

by KnowYourHipHopRoots June 8, 2009

urban dictionary

A site where users attempt to mock and explain everyone and thing in life, under the guise of cynical quasi-intellectualism.

It should be both noted and ignored, embraced and dismissed, laughed at and revered.

Urban Dictionary shows us we're all just a type, no matter how hard we try to escape or deny it.

by Nobody0000 September 16, 2009

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Urban dictionary

This hate-pit of a website that has been invaded by stupid teenyboppers. Here, women bitch about men 24/7 to take out their frustrations, and men right horrid, disgusting definitions about sexual acts towards women. Others like to whine about video games, their parents, their friends that we've never even met and comic books. Originally intended for slang, but good luck with any of that.

This moderator-less hunk of junk is fueled by only stereotypes and hatred, with editors that can't do their job for shit. This is my 3rd time trying to add this definition, while complete and utter bullshit gets put on here.

The following example is a REAL Urban dictionary "definition":

Boys- fuck them all there all out there everywhere to either break your heart, make your life missrible, or just ruin your life completely. sometimes there wonderful and everything but then they turn, mean are all cheaters they will do it at least once in your relationship, there liers and they all are so ladys DONT BELEAVE REALLY ANYTHING THAT THEY SAY to you cuz most of the time there just trying to either get you in bed or just want a girlfriend so say they got one, well what i say about them is just FUCK THEM ALL and just DONT TRUST THEM AT ALL!!!!!!!!!!!

by I hate makings namessss August 1, 2010

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Urban Dictionary

A website where one can either get references to sex, or helpful definitions, but usually the first one.

Poor Soul: I looked up monkey on the internet, and apparently it’s a name for the female genitalia.
Me: Urban Dictionary?
Poor Soul: Yep.

by SkyrimAndHerPeople October 27, 2019

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Urban Censorship

(n) a suppression of certain types of definitions without explanation on a supposedly free Internet forum

Sometimes new definitions submitted to this website become ghost posts; this is a form of Urban Censorship. One tends to wonder why a short and simple definition for one-termer was confirmed but never posted while a huge definition for Operation Iraqi Freedom that rambles on an on for several pages is allowed to remain.

by fduck January 12, 2004

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Urban the screamer

Urban the screamer is an AI generated video game that jankylankyTV has to try and buy with the help of an AI from GameStop

I was looking to buy the video game over Urban the screamer

by Lil' Sweet October 15, 2021

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