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The user you're trying to view has set all their photos to private

One of the MOST ANNOYING messages you will come across on the social networking community Myspace.

What it means is that that particular user has chosen to make the pictures in their photo page only available to friends, or sometimes nobody at all.

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These people may have a myriad of reasons to justify hiding their photos, which include:

Shyness (rather stupid, since you put yourself on the web in the first place - why not show all?)

To repel pervs - understandable, since there are certainly a lot out there. Not all hot 19 year-old chicks on myspace want some icky 40-year old fat guy masturbating to their photos.

To prevent "fakes" - for some strange reason, certain losers love to steal people's pictures, and make a fake profile using those pictures. The motives for this are lost on me. Maybe these losers get off on how many views their fake profile gets??

To prevent picture theft and editing - again, people sometimes steal the pictures, and then photoshop them in various ways. I don't understand why.

And the final reason - just to be annoying.

Teenage boy 1: "Hey, I just found some really cute girl on myspace"
Teengage boy 2: "Let's look at her pics!"
Teenage boy 1: "Oh, damn, they're set to private!"
Teenage boy 2: "Huh?"
Teenage boy 1: "Yeah, it says The user you're trying to view has set all their photos to private."

by kire November 9, 2007

15👍 12👎

The View

A show where if it's not their point of view then your opinion and view is completely irrelevant.

Honestly the view is worse than jerry springer, I would rather watch jerry springer and Howard stern back-to-back 12 hours straight than watch the view.

by stainless67 March 5, 2023

the view

The view is an inspirational seeing of ones most envious desires in this world.
When you see "the view" your day immediately becomes better.

Dang girl, look at "the view."

by strong vegi February 3, 2020

de-ja not view

the confusion caused when watching two different series of the same programme on competing channels for example ER

Michelle realised that she was experiencing de-ja not view when she watched ER, never being sure whether George Clooney was back or hadn't yet left!

by rock_bear February 12, 2004

Computer View

In film, the shot where people are looking into the camera as if it were a computer.

My favorite part of the scene was the computer view the director used in the beginning.

by Ross Alagna January 16, 2009

Side view

A guys part picture labeled sideview

"Did you see senad's side view"

by Ubandiconaryuser February 27, 2019

Side view

Someone that is immensely beautiful from all angles.

Hey, did you see Rebecca last night?
Yeah dude, what a side view

by cri4lyfe March 19, 2021