Source Code

Wank Worthy

When you find a girl that TANTALISING you could wank over her, that means she's wank worthy.

Joe: "Yooo bro look at this chick, man she's wank worthy, might have to knock one out to her later!"
Myles: "Shes dank bro send me her snap!"

by JoeMango April 30, 2019

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Mank wank

A wank with marmite.

I'm going to pick up some marmite from the shop for a mank wank

by Ben is Zero January 22, 2017

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Bum wank

like a tit wank but with your arse

kristen didn't want full anal so offered a bum wank instead

by watermelonclitlicker May 31, 2010

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Monster Wank

The art of masturbating whilst furiously running round hitting and kicking in a frenzied state in an attempt to destroy as much of the room you're in as possible

"Wow I just had a monster wank in my bedroom and chucked my computer through the window."

"Doctor, i've broken all my knuckles and cut my forehead."
"What were you doing?"
"Having a monster wank"

by Eddy The Hero July 21, 2008

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Meerkat Wank

Similar to a danger wank in that the process involves masterbating while fully aware of the very real danger of being caught out, either by a parent, family member, work colleague, etc. The difference is that with a Meerkat Wank you are standing up whilst having a danger wank, and so are straining your head and neck whilst listening and looking out for anyone who might catch you in the act. Looking like a meerkat standing sentry on it's rear legs as you do so.

I was that worried getting caught by my wife stroking one out the other night I ended up having a full on meerkat wank.

by G_inthehouse March 18, 2009

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Rage Wank

Rage wanking is the act of masturbation in order relieve stress or calm one's self down as opposed to masturbating to relieve sexual tension. A rage wank is akin to raping yourself.

Jim: I heard you dumped Jenny last night?

Tom: Yeah that bitch is a cheating whore, so I beat her up in my head and rage wanked to it.

by Wolf's Hook May 9, 2010

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A conscious thought to mentally photograph a person so as to be able to masturbate while thinking about them at a later date.

"She's not a bad looking sort"

"Yeah, I might put her in the wank bank"

by Scott Perkins/Tony "two tone" Smith May 17, 2004

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