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A Small PeePee Man.

I bet he’s an Owen

by DaddyBrownTom December 1, 2018

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Gay asf and has no friends

You know that Owen he’s a gay ginger

by Wilsmother December 4, 2019

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Owen is a faggot ass piece of shit. He’ll insult everyone he’s near. He calls everyone gay. He’s fat. He’s ugly. He’ll never get a girlfriend. No one likes him. He’s stupid. He’s a jerk.

Look at Owen over there. What a dick.

by NoOneLikesOwen May 11, 2019

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An Owen is usually someone that loves cock especially in his mouth.

Owen:can you shove your cock in my mouth

by Ya boy 1079 July 27, 2019

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Owen's Law


A term similar to "Godwin's Law" is a logical fallacy used by fans of professional wrestling. The use of Owen's Law denotes any wrestling fan who mentions or uses the death of wrestling legend Owen Hart as a way to shift blame towards the WWE rather than offer a rational argument. It is often used when any wrestling promotion outside of the WWE is called out for doing something unsafe or unprofessional. Similar to "Whataboutism"

Fan 1: Did you see that? Looks like he landed on a stack of pillows. You could see the cardboard for crying out loud.
Fan 2: What? Did you want him to land on real concrete?

Fan 1: Huh?! No! I'm just sayin' it looked so phony. They could've easily filmed it from a different angle. It just looked bad.
Fan 2: Don't forget that WWE let Over The Edge go on after Owen Hart died.
Fan 1: What does Owen Hart's death have to do with this?
Fan 2: ...
Fan 1: Stop using Owen's Law and just admit it sucked.

by Generation Xero May 7, 2021

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Owen Tate

Club / Internet celebrity who is also known as OT: )

OT: ) first appeared in NYC in 1989 performing with rock and funk bands such as Foxxen, The Blessed, and Pharoah. Owen transitioned to DJing and Producing in the early part of the 90's at Tunnel NYC, Limelight NYC as a host and performance artist. OT: ) opened LeftOvers Studios in Providence RI at the world famous Fort Thunder where he was the resident dj for six years.

Hugely popular on Yahoo Groups he is the resident dj for the DickJohnson Group. Ranked #1 of all time songs played on Glee, Ranked #2 on Dlist, and has been charting on MySpace for the last few years.

Best known for featuring underground club whores, divas, and personalities. Owen Tate supplies electro junkies and after hours addicts their sonic fix smothered in his trade marked blend of Sex Glam Gloom.

Owen Tate first appeared in NYC in 1989 performing with rock and funk bands such as Foxxen, The Blessed, and Pharoah. Owen transitioned to DJing and Producing in the early part of the 90's at Tunnel NYC, Limelight NYC as a host and performance artist. OT: ) opened LeftOvers Studios in Providence RI at the world famous Fort Thunder where he was the resident dj for six years.

Hugely popular on Yahoo Groups he is the resident dj for the DickJohnson Group. Ranked #1 of all time songs played on Glee, Ranked #2 on Dlist, and has been charting on MySpace for the last few years.

Best known for featuring underground club whores, divas, and personalities. Owen Tate supplies electro junkies and after hours addicts their sonic fix smothered in his trade marked blend of Sex Glam Gloom.

by Tom Janson September 30, 2008

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A verb meaning the act of camping excessively in an online first or third person shooting game.

Man, Owen's owening again, he's definitely got a world record in camping.

by Rupert Gehmlich September 29, 2007

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