To die as a cunt, while being royally insulted as salty and racist.
"oh hey mark, how are you doing?" (response) "oh, im doing great, thank you. How about yourself?" (response) "Die-Cunt.
Medical term for Twice a Day. Latin.
When I asked the doctor what BID stands for, she said bis in die.
Do Infertile Exorcism on purpose.
You should Die on purpose it really helps
When the times be bad and it be time to die
God damn it we have maths, it’s die time
when you say goodbye but you want hem to die
good die my friend
Being "Die Hard" is when someone showcases an extreme loyalty/admiration to someone or thing. People who are "Die Hard" will wait days in line before something's released and typically don't care about their actions as long as they are supporting who/what they love. "Die Hard" fans can sometimes gain a superiority complex after a certain amount of time spent looking up to someone/thing and they tend to accuse people for being "fake" or not a "real fan" if they haven't enjoyed the person/thing they have for as long.
That guy's been here since they announced it! He must be die hard!
I'm a die hard fan! I love your work so much!
a man with dignity and war humour
“Yooo you know die of yes?”
“yeah he pretty chill.”