National air strike your friend day is one day out of the year were you get to air strike your friend and don’t be responsible for you air striking your friend and you don’t face any consequences, punishment
I drone strikes my friend on National air strike your friend day and I’m not facing any consequences at all because you don’t when you drone strike your friend on national air strike your friend day
May 29th, Be mean to your friends day is a day to be mean to your friends just to confuse them!
You: You suck
Friend: WHAT? WHY??
You: Haha got you its May 29th, Be mean to your friends day.
On May 24 you must give your girl best friend/feminine best friend your hoodie to show how much you appreciate them
boy best friend: here’s my hoodie and happy
National give your fem Best friend a hoodie day
girl best friend: thank you so much you’re the best friend a girl could ever ask for
On October 28 you hug your tallest friends because tall people are cooler then everyone else
Tall friend: why did you hug me?
Short friend: it’s October 28 hug your tallest friend day
Feburary 11th, slap people in the back of the head day. You can sneak up on them and slap them on the back op the head.
Haha, its feb 11th: slap your tall friend in the back of the head day. Oh crap
Im too short
A day where you give somebody money because why not usually occurs everyday
“If he can’t break bread he fake”
“National give your friend money day”
He/she are your best friend, do you seriously need an explanation? GO KISS THEM ON THE CHEEK
karl walks in, Joy jumps on him and gives him a kiss, and does he, then they scream HAPPY INTERNATIONAL GIVE YOUR BEST FRIEND A KISS ON THE CHEEK DAY!