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7 by 5

7x5 / 7 by 5 / Seven By Five

7 by 5 is a drinking game involving a deck of cards layed out in a 7 by 5 configuration.

Shuffle the deck, then start the game by revealing the first card on to the table.

The person left of the dealer (the caller) has to then call the next card being higher or lower than the played card on the table; this person also picks a spot to place the new card onto a position above, below or next to the played card. The dealer reveals the card, if the caller calls higher/lower cortectly then they do not have to drink, if they get it wrong then they drink.

Continue to the next caller, The revealed card must be higher or lower than all touching cards when placed in the grid.

Once the 7x5 grid is fully revealed then the next caller must pick a place ontop of the cards to be higher/lower than adjacent cards.

Special rules:
- The bomb; this is the 7 of hearts. When drawn the person whos go it is must finish there drinks. If they predict this card (instead of higher or lowrer) before the flip then everyone must finish their drinks. If someone calls the bomb and it is not the 7 of hearts then this person must finish their drink.

- Jokers ; similar to the 7 of hearts except only the two people sitting either side of the caller must finish their drinks if revealed and called. Finish your drink if you call it and its wrong.

Cards can be place on top/next to jokers too; it doesn’t count as a number required to be higher/lower.

Oi Jonty, come play 7 by 5 with us! Let’s get fucked up.

by 7x5 creator February 6, 2022

December 5

December 5th is the day you suck your best friends dick


by Hausbuch December 5, 2021

December 5

you are not allowed to play genshin impact

Alex: I'm gonna play gi

: You can't
Alex: Why not?

: Because it's December 5

by <3 ) December 5, 2021

December 5

my friend's birthday xd wish him happy bday

heyy L(his initial) happy bday cuz its december 5

by a 5 yr old December 5, 2023

December 5

National throw a shoe at your friend day!

A day in which when you see your friend you take off your shoe and throw it at them

Friend 1: I’d run if I where you
Friend 2: why?
Friend 1: (takes of shoe) it’s December 5
Friend 2: oh shit

by Junkostan December 5, 2020

December 5

National crazy hair day!

Me: has crazy hair
Friend: why is your hair crazy
Me: its december 5!

by JustTheDayss December 5, 2020

december 5

On this day a Joseph Vijay Chandrasekhar one of the biggest fan is born

Joseph Vijay Chandrasekhar big south Asian actor.
Jack: did you watch Joseph Vijay Chandrasekhar newest movie yet
Manav: YOu were born on December 5

by nirothisnojekljg November 4, 2023