Source Code

krusty da klown(aka krustocious)

a bum n lyks 2 entertain ppl n smokes weed

2day krustocious went 2 a b-day party 2 entertain ppl by wrestling

by Danny April 25, 2004

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Dwayno Da Old Ass Clown

Slang expression used for Wayne Kramer of the MC5 because he's an old ass clown these days trying to capitalize on the past of his deceased friends rather than doing it on his own. Had a couple of good songs here and there, but constantly keeps recording "The Harder They Come" by Jimmy Cliff on nearly every recording in an inane attempt to make the song famous. Put your money of Sonic's Rendezvous Band for much, much more talent.

Dwayno Da Old Ass Clown can't even count anymore because he has 6 people in the Neo-MC5, so he's gettin' old

by Roger Halstead March 26, 2008

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wu da wu wu

You guys got the new Gnar Kills cd, Gnar Kills is the best band ever and if you say one more thing about them I will pull your fuckin face off. Oh yea, well I think they fuckin suck..wu da wu wu

Haggard. The movie

by sk0v November 21, 2003

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Buck Rogers of Da 24th Century

With out any doubt whatsoever, the corniest television show ever created. About a foot ball player who became an astroanut in the year 1980, froze himself than became an astronaut again in 2384. The show is known the world over for it's use of cheap 70s technology to poorly portray life in the future (ooh florescant light bulbs, how cutting edge!) and it incessantly exploited little people.

Annie: So....*takes a drag on ciggarette, then coughs* ever been with an older gal before?
Me: No. . .
Annie: *rubs some Vaseline in her cornhole then gets on all fours*
Me: slides dick into her bung and glances over her chubby body at the TV screen
TV: Buck is transported in ice to the amazing century 24! Do doo do DO! And here's "Tiggie" a transvestite-midget in a chrome robot costume.
Me: *dick goes limp* Dude, turn this shit off......

by Joeber April 29, 2005

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no do da booty(no doubt about it)

no doubt abot it you say this when ur trying to be funny and saying somthin at da same time

is that the key to your door?
no do da booty
ha ha

by Jack Park March 30, 2004

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da doing doing doing

the vocal callings of guys describing this guys penis one time, the way it was so big it swayed

yo man, did you see jacks thing man?" "word dawg, da doing doing doing....

by snickle-fritts November 13, 2010

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i cooka da pizza syndrome

A syndrome where the person slowly starts cheating in a Minecraft world with small, excusable stuff (like a one time teleport) and justifying it only for it to snowball into regularly cheating. When it does get to that level of cheating the game often starts to be boring and causes the RSMP season to end prematurely.

toast: omar can you please tp me to smokey
omar: no i cannot because of the i cooka da pizza syndrome

by LegoProductions March 1, 2023

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