An exotic dance performed by a naked male, which involves much thrusting of the hips (to visibly move his appendage). Guaranteed to cheer up a partner.
OMG my hubby did the banana dance for me last night. Really cheered me up.
The rhythmic act of fapping whilst dancing
Some would say it's a spiritual dance but others refer to it as fap dancing.
Billy fap danced to beat it by Michael Jackson
A genre of music created by lil biden of the band "the stale fritos" to describe bass-boosted ear murder or very bad rave music played on a broken speaker. Good examples of extreme dance hypercore, or EDH, can be found on youtube or soundcloud by searching for music by the stale fritos.
extreme dance hypercore is the best music genre. Don't question me.
When two shitfaced drunken redneck men battle it out in a cheap motel room. The winner gets to nail the drunken slut who’s watching the fight. The rednecks must wear the required moose antlers attached to football helmets so that they will lock in battle!
Well, that “Antler Dance” over to the “No Tell Motel” last night ended up with those two rednecks getting their antlers horribly tangled up so 911 had to be called! The antlers had to be sawed off at the hospital and both men suffered severe whiplash!
a wondiperous mode of showing off agility and finesse, while also clearing the pit of those moshing fag metal heads = usually done to a breakdown, with a group of friends, or a 2step. an extremely demanding form of movement requiring balance, dexterity and strength. people who do not like it are those who have
A) been raped by a hardcore dancer,
B) been kicked in the face / embarassed in front of his girlfriend,
C) tried to do it but been ridiculed for being too fat while wearing a pantera/metallica shirt, then falcon kicked in their fat faces.
D) been too scared to go in a mosh pit since their stupid asses were kicked by a hardcore kid.
such moves include the windmill, 2step, the Angry Kitty, back-kick, donkey-kick (hella hard)
hxC dude
*falcon kick to the face, make out with said moshers girlfriend*
HxC dude
To be given “the run around” by someone or a situation. this is done when you are given false/incomplete information either on purpose or by accident
synonym : being led astray
Me : i called my bank up for the 12th time and they said my money should have been in my bank 2 days ago ffs
my friend : sounds like you’re being led a merry dance mate
Tempting fate most likely inviting disastrous consequences.
That boi trying to step to me? This MF straight Coffin Dancing.