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garden city middle school

garden city middle school is one of the most shittiest fucking schools in michigan, it’s filled with bum ass bozos who don’t shower and that act ghetto asf

person one- you go to garden city middle school?
person two- did you mean the nastiest school ever? yes i do
person one- oh shit well uhm true!

by thehottestbitchintheworld October 13, 2021

Tombs county middle school

if you want weed might as well go here it serves as both a mess hall for gremlins and if you get caught smoking they’ll just join in the staff is a chill group of people, our school is filled with kids that crave violence at least we’re never bored oh wait can’t forget pay to play where you spend 12$ on a bag of takis that the girls snatch right as we can get a break from school lunch

Don’t send your kids to TCMS (tombs county middle school) they may disappear

by Obviously not my name December 14, 2022

North Star Middle school

a living meme. the reject school. if you go to north star middle school you are most likely a lesiban or a mincraft nerd who just gave him self a rim job with his finger.

Nathan: What school do you go to?
Treyvon: uh north star
*nathan left the chat*
north star middle school is defined as the reject school.

by yormanraman December 6, 2021

Urbane Upper Middle Class

Uber polite and polished, Subaru or Volvo driving grownups

He is your typical urbane upper middle class.

by Matty Urbane May 16, 2018

Lake Nona Middle School

Lake Nona Middle is a place Where there is a mix of pedos and drama girls, Lake Nona middle is a place where the dress code is absolute shit, Lake nona middle is a place where the 6th graders are 4 ft tall and yelling sussy baka as if its daily attendance, Lake nona middle is a place where people will pull up in sports and luxury cars and look like the live in goodwill and eat from publix deli everyday, The school lunch is pretty decent though.

Person1: Hey why are you so short?
Person2: Oh Im a 6th grader At Lake Nona Middle School
Person1: That makes sense

by stupidkids September 12, 2021

BART middle and high school

Crackheads and dumb bitches, also very gay

Kids at BART are gay asf 🤡 BART middle and high school

by I’m a whore for Finn wolfhard December 9, 2019

Shady spring middle school

A school that is a bunch of fat imbred pussy’s that say the n word with the hard r and think they are black.

Hey shady spring middle school is gay asf especially with Roger Lowkay as the principal.

by Peenlicking March 1, 2020