An area right in the heart of Cork City where if u don’t have a liverpool 18/19 jersey or a pouch of amber leaf u are largely outnumbered. Rumour has it that there is a COD ZOMBIES easter egg in Paul Street, if u take out a fiver note u will be offered decos canada geese, though all u will get is canada fleeced
My girlfriend went to the toilets in Paul Street and came back with 4 STDS an a mixed raced newborn
While it was originally used as a name for a character in the movie "American Psycho", the word also got a different interpretation; A person that is better than someone in every way possible. It doesn't matter what it is that is being ranked a 'Paul Allen' will always be better no matter what the circumstance is.
Paul Allen beat me at basketball
He is my Paul Allen (He is better than me in every possible way)
What I call homo-sapiens who are addicted to perianal abscesses.
Person 1: Are you addicted to perianal abscesses?
Person 2: Yes.
Person 1: Paul "Ant-Man" Rudd: The Divine Juvenile Release
It is a pussy ass bitch that loves dick up his ass.
that guy took anal he is such a robert paul stockton
Strongest man alive, thousand year heavy champion, great gamer, the devil fears him
Devil: oh no it’s Paul O’Shea run for ur lives
Iron Maiden's most sexy lead vocalist
Paul Di'Anno is the most sexy man alive
A vewy vewy angwy person that absolutely does not like receiving phone calls at any time. Upon receiving said phone calls Angry Paul will attempt to shove his micro penis into any available orifice while shouting ‘my garden is considerably nicer than yours’ before going to play a round of golf and getting bummed in a sand bunker.
I’m going to call Paul
No! He will turn into an angry Paul!