When you are having sex you can pull a Komodo dragon attack. This is when you erect your penis to full, then spew your cum all over your room. This will assert dominance over your opponents.
“Hey Jim, yesterday I won the competition using the Komodo dragon attack”
When your scrotum shrivels up, and looks like a dragons bell. The shaft is the neck. Tip is the head.
Dude it's so cold out. Friend "yeah I have a dragons bell."
Asked by your 10 year old cousin because he heard it at school
Cousin: Do you like dragons
Me" yes
Him Dragon deez nuts across your face
Me dies of stage 4 lung cancer and instantly wants to commit nine elevn 2.0
During the Great Snaishem Wars of Independence (1019-1094), high ranking prisoners were often subjected to this punishment. This punishment involved the prisoners being locked into the lower dungeon of a castle, where their cell has a wooden boarded top with holes. Once imprisoned, the leader of the Snaishem, Helga, would consume enough Snaish dragon fruit to induce incontinence. Said bowel movement would then be unleashed upon the captive from above. Amongst those lucky enough to escape captivity this punishment became known as "The Dragon Fruit Special".
"Did you hear that Osven received the Dragon Fruit Special after the defeats of the northern campaign?"
While giving head hit a vape and blow the cloud out on the base of the shaft while in your mouth smoke should exit mouth and nose resembling a firey dragon... Watch them eyes.
Come on baby please blow me a forbidden Smoke dragon on my dick!
Similar to spitting bars, spitting that dragon is what artists and rappers do when performing. They are spitting that dragon or “spitting bars” when on the mic.
“Drake was spitting that dragon at the concert last night”