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Little Jack Horner

the act of thumbing a girls anus in an attempt to pull out a turf plumb

We were really going at it last night , then gave her the β€œLittle Jack Horner” while reciting the nursery rhyme.

by Jwitt October 11, 2017

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little kitty cacka

when one of ur friends takes a dump that is small and cute (resembling that of a kittie cat's poo) and duck tapes it to the hood of another friends car.

Dane: dude, brayden, whats wrong?
Brayden: that cunt jeremy planted a little kitti cacka on my fuckin car.

by vigz July 1, 2005

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delicate little flower

A constantly praised athlete who is often injured on an annual basis.

Every year, Blake Griffin a delicate little flower because he misses a significant amount of games in the regular season and playoffs because he is hurt all the time. That is why the Clippers will never get out of the second round of an NBA playoffs.

by David Gaggon July 23, 2017

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Little Red Riding Hood

V. - To wrap one's dick in the lips of a woman's cunt like a pink or red hood while riding her, and cum on her lips in such a way that it splatters.

The Big Bad Wolf: "Hey, little red riding hood, want some of my goodies?"
LRRH: "My cookies are not your cookies."
"Oh come, I want to hop on it."
LRRH: "Who let the fucking dogs out!"
Mr. Shaggy Dog (watching): "Wag that tail, woof woof!"

by G.M.H. December 4, 2009

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Pretty ugly little liar

A site in which gossip about online celebrities, it may not be popular but anyone register as a member will find a good amount of hate and meaningless nitpicking about people who have decent following number. It exposes fakers and snowflakes but the amount of hate and jealousy there is uncountable, most of its members are people with no life and real jobs or ugly insecure old farts. It's also known as PULL.

A: Why does Jessica play around young children? Is she a pedophile??

B: Chill fam, don't be like Pretty ugly little liar

by Hana123 April 17, 2018

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Spoon with a little bit of flavour on it

A slang term used to define a spoon with a tiny bit of snow cone on it. Properly pronounced spoon wif a widdow bit a fwavow on it. (Spoken like elmer fudd but in a baby voice)

Me:Would you like a Spoon with a little bit of flavour on it?
Marty: HAHA, YA!!

by D_to_the_Avid March 5, 2006

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We Do A Little Trolling

What has now become the next "It's Just A Prank Bro!" Used to justify sending death threats or being an asshole to someone on the internet. Mostly kids.

Person 1: I Like Fortnite.
Redditor: KYS Fortnite Kid
Person 2: Woah! What Kind Of Psychopath Would Send Death Threats To Someone For Liking A Game?
Redditor: We Do A Little Trolling

by Cynical Man August 15, 2021

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