She’s the type of person you’ll never want to let go. She’s the perfect woman. She is always caring no matter what and can make you happy in an instant. She loves anyone and everyone. She has an amazing sense of humor and can always make you laugh no matter the situation. If you ever disagree with her you’ll suffer the wrath of her sandal. If you ever get someone like her never let go, she’s the one to never let go.
Alainey is the perfect person and should be treated as such
Due to being an irrational number, Person π is irrational, everyone that doesn't have a regular number in them is either irrational or not irrational at all
Person i: I'm back to destroy the average Urban Dictionary user's brain to make them make definitions of words composed of things about sex!
Person Pi: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028...
Person i: They have already done that themselves apparently...
Person e: 2.718281828459045…
Person ɸ: They can't, they're too dumb
A sane person called Saud who was in the definition of the word “Twisk”
Fahdah: *shows person what she’s doing.*
Person on facechat with Fahdah: *ends call.*
Hanouf: “Thank god Saud ( person on facechat with Fahdah ) did the right thing!!”
Poggers person is a celebrity. Poggers person is great at cosplaying, singing, writing and making jokes.
When you search up 'Poggers Person' nothing may come up, but I can assure you they ARE a celebrity.
Person 1: "Life sucks."
Person 2: "Have you heard of 'Poggers person'?"
Person 1: "No."
Person 2: "Well you should check on urban dictionary, they're great!"
Person 1: "Alright then."
Refers to the bestest, most amazing, loving, smucherest, beautiful, kind, caring, understanding, wonderful, smart, hardworking, lovely, funny and impeccable person ever.
Cedar is the smuchest person ever and I love them so so so smuch <3
A weird-a** psychological condition caused by a student's being required to take history class.
I stuck to math and science in high school so as to avoid historionic personality disorder.