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Eat pickle and suck dickle

This is a way to tell a person that has offended you for tagging you in a normie meme to go suck on a wiener.
They may be a guy but ask them first, " Do you enjoy pickles?." If they say no to such a question you will simply tell then to Eat Pickle and Suck Dickle. Only will that make them confused but also offended that you used their least favorite food against them.

Goodbye and have a good day my fellow Dickle Pickles.

The man simply said something very offensive towards a memer. The memer chuckled and smirked, "Eat Pickle and suck dickle".

by GeeohgoshIwanttokillmyself February 16, 2018

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Suck-Egg Mule

A long eared, lady-boy that could suck a hard egg through a straw.

I got way too fucked up last night and woke up this morning laying next to a Chinese suck-egg mule.

by Becky's Back Baby June 2, 2022

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god you suck at life

See Quinn

by catslikephish November 2, 2003

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sucking tit through a shirt

Its what you say when you get something but realize its not quite all you could have...you are just short of the goal

"hey man, I heard that chick you took home made you wear a condom.."
"yeah, it was like sucking tit through a shirt"

by Bullshit99 October 20, 2006

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cock sucking ex-boyfriend

stupid mother fucker who really had sexual feeling for his quazzi-moto-ish best friend, CAPTAIN OF HIS FLAG FOOTBALL TEAM, and whose fav. movie is the princess bride., and has no emotional backbone, taking less than 14 days to get over a 7 month relationship w/ his "love of his life"

JWH/ all gay ass fuckers who like the florida gators

by that girl who is prettier than you(mr.tinkles) October 16, 2003

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Gary suck my cock

Term from 'Team America World Police', the Parker and Stone movie, where Spottsworth asks Gary to suck him off but doesn't actually show the act.

1.Any claim of delivering the cookies where the movie, actors, or people in a situation on TV, or in real life, fails to actually show anything!

2. Kind of like falling off the rails or failure to deliver.

Gary suck my cock.

Tom: You know in Team America when Gary was aske,d suck my cock, by Spottsworth?
Zeke: Yeah
Tom: Well they don't actually show it! I was pissed. I wanted to see him at least get a facial cumshot. I mean they showed other puppets fucking, even Gary, but no blowjob.

ZXeke: But there is porn of it somewhere.

by americafkyahfdf June 19, 2011

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National Suck Dick Day

This wonderful holiday falls on October 3rd

Tom:You hear what tomorrow is?
Jessica:The 24th?

Tom:No National Suck Dick Day!

by CumJuggler3000 September 25, 2019

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