Like "someone just walked over your grave..."
Only "dead cow passing..."
Excuse to use when you need to get out of a prior commitment when you don’t want to say that you do not want to attend.
I can’t come to your pool party, I have dead and co.
A really slow night of sales, particularly pertaining to bar and restaurant business.
A type of punishment your partner puts you in. (This is similar to being in the doghouse.)
A type of immune response that may take a week or so to recover before returning to work. (Usually happens with people of low stamina and thin blood.)
Man last Tuesday was the lamest night of sales in a long time! It was like the Dead-zone got resurrected and then just suddenly shriveled and died!
A Dead Stream is a funeral service, burial or cremation being captured and viewed remotely using video. It can also be applied to any other activity involving death, such as embalming or even the dressing and makeup applied to a corpse.
Most of us stay at home and Dead Stream Aunt Millie's funeral because they only allowed 5 people in the chapel.
Name that a person used to be referred to before coming out as trans
You should NEVER EVER refer to ANY TRANS PERSON by their dead name
noun: a romantic partner that is essentially dead to the world. Completely unreachable to everyone except their partner.
“celebrating 5 years with derek!!”
i love my dead boyfriend
A girl the has no tits and is flat as the ocean on a calm day. Just not blue.
Damn i met a real dead conch very flat. I did and nothing was floopin