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White nerds play this game. Don’t have girlfriends. A synonym is Cancer

I am diagnosed with Fortnite”
“Let’s Play some more”

by XtremeSteven21 March 13, 2018


A bad but very fun game, one of the most played games ever.

Wanna play Fortnite?

by CarRoy2619 November 15, 2018


A Game that sucks penis and people would not shut up about a few years back. The game is now dead again proving Minecraft is superior

Cringe Kid: wanna play fortnite?
Me : no I play Minecraft like someone with a brain and with good taste

by Savejimmyneutronandvictorious March 10, 2022


Game released in 2017 that blew up in popularity in 2018. Played by mostly virgins who lose their girlfriends over this game. The twitch streamer Ninja is most famous for this game. Shooter Game That Involves Building. All the boys post it on their snapchat stories, ("dub with the boys") along with some gamer girls who are equally as retarded.

Ex 1.
Guy on snapchat: Got that Fortnite dub with the boys
Guy who looks at his story: If you post another fortnite win I will end your life
Ex 2.

Kid bad at fortnite: Dangit I took that L on fortnite
Everybody else: Yes you did.. L

Ex 3.

Gamer Girl: Ayeee my first win on fortnite
All her friends: We couldn't care less

by STOP! Meme Time. March 30, 2018


A third person FPS video game that is developed by Epic Games and People Can Fly and also published by Epic Games. This game is really popular all over the world. The original game was Save The World, a zombie horde survival game and later on the Battle Royale game mode came out for free. The Battle Royale mode has a player base of 125 million, is FREE, and with its Unreal Engine it is the perfect 11 jear old magnet, so it brings many cringe with it on the internet.

*Mom* "Timmy it's bed time"


*Johnny* "AY TIMMY, wanna play fortnite"
*Timmy* "Sure"

by i_taunt_after_i_kill_u November 14, 2018


this shit suck as fuck

Ohh I steped in shit. It was Fortnite

by DieWebsiteisshit March 25, 2020


gay gay gay gay

you are so addicted to fortnite(gay)

u r gai

by frtnut sux April 12, 2020