A wack ass school with horrible students. Almost every boy thinks he is in a gang. Most girls are either weird asf or is a snake. The staff pretty much sucks and goes ballistic if they see a phone so they spent hundreds of dollars buying phone pockets for each room in the entire school. The lunch ladies are crackheads and think their lives are to hard. It’s rival is stratford which is the more rich, white school. The only decent sport is like boys soccer bc nobody fucking does it anywhere else. A pretty fucking bad school overall.
person 1: what is Jay Stream Middle School like?
person 2: it sucks ass
the worst school you could imagine. The school food is shitty and it has more grease than actual food. We are the the most ghetto out of the school district and cheap as hell. The principal is is a Karen and is annoying as hell. It has a terrible rep and the only thing good there is the ice cream. Our band sucks too.
“Eww Sarah’s from Central ahhh I hate her already.”
Central Middle School Oklahoma: the worst school ever
Joe Walker Middle School is where guys think they’re part of gangs and girls wear ten pounds of lip gloss. some teachers are pretty okay. others—not so much. everyone is disrespectful as hell and you never get anything done in class. teachers will hate u probably. some weird people. literal trash
Oh you hate your life? You must go to Joe Walker Middle School.
The best and worst middle school in weston
It lowkey cool cuz the drama and ghettoness. but lowkey u will get some good education
fights are a W and lowkey funny
but u will get good education (science,technolagy,engernnrng,mathamatics)
Quan:WHat school yall going?
The Squad: CRrrrrr
Them: You should come to Cr Marchant Middle School
Quan: Aiiight
A crusty ass place with ok teachers and white whores with fake eyebrows, you’ll hate it here. There’s no phones allowed. GOOD LUCK.
Hey what school do u go to
Oh I go to George Fischer Middle School
Good luck that school is ass
Haralson county middle school is full of ghetto ass wannabe tweens that act like their in ‘gangs’. Too many hoes to count.
Haralson county middle school is the shittiest place a person could be
One of the most fucked up schools anyone could go to in Florida.
Person 1: "yo! Im going to baldwin Middle-Seinor High next week!"
Person 2: "nah, nah, nah. Don't. That place sucks. Its stinky 🤢"