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Happy Leap Day!

Today is Thursday 29th February 2024 a leap day! It is also the proper birthday of many people born on this day so you can finally wish them a happy birthday or a Happy Leap Day instead!

Bob: It's my birthday today!
Me: Happy Leap Day!
Bob: Thank you so much!

by Mahrufur February 29, 2024

Happy Meal

Hand job that she swallows...happy for me and a meal for her.

Wife and I shared a happy meal!

by Rufus Ramsey July 7, 2019

Happy Meal

The term “Happy Meal” is used for a relationship that generally leaves a smile on your face. Doesn’t include sex just a genuine happy relationship.

Jeff is Stephanie’s version of a happy meal. She’s always happy as long as she is talking to him

by Chicasteff February 26, 2018

Happy Meal

any combination of three (3) intoxicating legal/illegal drugs wherein the MAIN one used is considered like the HAMBURGER, the secondary one is considered like the side fries, and the 3rd is a BEVERAGE.

So, if while taking vicoden, you also smoke some marijuana, and ALSO are drinking a beer or rum & coke, YOU ARE ENJOYING A HAPPY MEAL!

Terri called Connie and asked if she wanted to go out and party. They both agreed and said, "OMG, YES! IM HAVING A SHITTY DAY! LETS DO A HAPPY MEAL!"

by Misty Barr June 22, 2018

Happy Meal

a Mcdonalds meal that contains a burger, fries, nuggets, apple slices and a voice of beverage. it also comes with a crappy toy that you can mess with.

Guy: "I ordered a happy meal, I loved the burger and the shitty toy that came with it."

by Mar4343💯 June 2, 2024

Happy Meal

A girl that is petite but brings so much joy when having sex

Damn girl you a happy meal

by pdx_chris_50 August 26, 2019

Happy Meal

McDonald's version of a kid's meal which limits the portions and gives you a cheap plastic toy. Seriously, the toys are horrible and boring as hell...

Billy: Mommy! Mommy!
Mom: What do you want, son?
Billy: Can I get the happy meal mommy? Mom: Ok then, you'll realize that it sucks
Billy: Waaaaaaaaaa you were right mommy!

by fakename06 October 8, 2018