The Geraldton Special is not so much a sexual act but a behaviour.
You meet a girl/boy who will let you face fuck, choke, spit, slap and penetrate in every and all holes forcefully.
Also Includes rimming and face sitting, most common boy on girl I.e. Boy sits on girls face
Always ends in an Anal Creampie and possible black eye.
Originates in Geraldton, WA but not limited too.
"Picked up this girl last night, gave me the Geraldton Special"
When you pee inside a womans vagina, and then she places her big toe in your butt hole and you both masterbate to completion.
Michael wanted to spice things up in the bedroom with The Anover Special...a little Pee in tbe V and a big toe in the butt. - The Andover Special
An original Netlfix comedy special that only airs on Netflix or has been added to Netflix.
Have you watched Joeseph James Rogan's "Strange Times" Netflix Special it's great?
To run all shield operators on siege
Noah stop being a fatass, we’re all gonna run the Rosa Parks Special to get this win
The act of scooping up your genitalia (cock and balls) and jamming them as hard as you can into a vagina whilst wearing a 2003 rookie Lebron jersey and screaming "YAM TIME" as a "finishing move" to stimulate a female orgasm
I tried out the Matthew Special on my girlfriend yesterday, it's the first time I have made her orgasm
A legal document that authorizes law enforcement officials to search for evidence of non-conformist or dissident behavior, often justified by vague or arbitrary criteria such as "suspicious activity" or "potential threat" to public safety.
Typically used by authoritarian regimes to suppress dissent and maintain control over the population.
The use of special deviation conduct warrants is a clear violation of civil liberties and human rights and undermines the principles of democracy and free speech.
The special deviation conduct warrant is a horrible thing to think about and pray doesn't happen to your country.
An improvised shotgun typically forged from scrap metal and intended for a single engagement. Shinzo Abe Specials take after so-called Saturday Night Specials, which are shitty D-tier handguns fulfilling their analogous roles.
Named after the improvised shotgun that took Shinzo Abe's life in 2022 while the fucker was campaigning in the streets.
Kenzo: Yo! I heard the Prime Minister of Brazilistan got shot!
Kenji: Yeah, the bastard used a Shinzo Abe special.
Kenzo: Shit!