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Noun: the best way to un-want anything.

Student: The neighbor's dog was barking all night, so I went over and killed it with fire. Un-wanted!

by mewfahsah June 6, 2012


Can be used in any sentence is used to show how cool something/some one is

" yo that party last night fi-RE"

" hey that Marissa girl she lowkey fire"

by Marissabroooks April 5, 2017


Really cool, good, or awesome.

Your Outfit Is fire . That party was so fire.

by Coolgirl347 October 4, 2018


Flawless In being a Rude Entity.

Nuclear: I_MaxRoblox is FIRE.

by RobloxFan December 11, 2023


My mixtape

"Yo, don't drop that CD unless you wanna burn this house down. That shit is fire."

by Isis vs. Linda December 8, 2015


In Cleveland it means that's hard or that's raw

"That's fire"

- Compliment

"Ja'Quez got them fire ass shoes, ngl"
"Nah, I'm painting, that shit's mad ugly."

by 3a1l5 August 1, 2022


1. something to cook food with
2. something thats really cool

1. i cooked food with fire isnt that incredible
2. "did u hear ronald McDonald's new mix tape"
" yea it was pretty fire"

by Morgan john March 5, 2019