It’s like normal Monday money, expect it’s doubled. We in Miami bitch.
Like Monday money but in Miami. Miami Monday money.
A non-specfic day in the year dedicated to giving the person writing this, a crisp 50 dollar bill, and a kiss on the cheek.
" Its give me money day ! You should give me some cash B) "
When you shift gears too aggressively and something breaks , usually costing thousands of dollars.
Damn i money shift-ed my new supra
Juicy money ceo, female al pacino.. jup she definitely a racist
Shirin david ist ein RaCisT
Juicy money ceo, female al pacino.. yup definitely a RaCiSt
“Hey bro it’s give Lucas money day”
“Ok here” 💵💵💵💵💵
Here’s money Lucas it’s national give Lucas money day
If the hit song 'Money for nothing' by prolific rock group Dire Straits is played at a function, event or gathering, guests are required to shotgun a beverage before the intro of the song concludes. If no cans are available, guests must finish the remainder of their current drink in a timely manner.
The 'Money for nothing' effect
1. A Phenomenon caused when the song 'Money for Nothing' by Dire Straits is played at a gathering and results in guests finishing their beverage and/or shotgunning a full can of beverage.
*intro of Money for Nothing plays in the background at a function*
GUEST 1: "oh shit, it's the Money for Nothing Effect."
GUEST 2: *Pierces a fresh tin of lager with a car key and prepares to shotgun the beverage*
GUEST 1: "Make sure to wait for the guitar riff to come in!"