A cream pie, but in the woods, amongst nature.
“Yeah bro I took that bitch camping and gave her a mountain pie lmao”
“Wow sick bro”
When two guys ejaculate in the same vagina
Tim n Jerry did the nutty buddy cream pie to that women
A girl who is only gay at parties usually to gain the attention of men
I don't hook up with party pies. I want a pie I can eat in any situation.
The feeling that you are on top of the world when you eat pie
Dang boi, I'm just on a big mountain of joy in my pie high cause of that fabulous pie I just ate.
Adj: Someone who is into Nerdy/Geeky hobbies and lights up when you listen to them talk about their interests, acting very cute doing so,
Listening Matpat talk about FNAF is adorable he's such a nerdy-pie .
When someone is so absolutely enamored another person that they’d do anything for them
Person A: He got me roses and a necklace to ask me out and he told me he’s been planning it for months
Person B: he’s so down atrocious whipped cream on pie