This is the medical term used when a patient losses their mouth due to eating an excessive amount of strawberries without washing them.
The patient seems to be experiencing "Drop Mouth".
When you eat a strawberry that has come from the grocery store and don't properly rinse it before you eat it your mouth with fall off within a few days.
- this is due to the chemicals used to make sure that the strawberry stays fresh along with the chmicals used while it grows which is harmful to humans
The patient here seems to be experiencing drop mouth, for eating to many strawberries without washing them.
The best way to assert your dominance, you're too much of a badass to say "shut your mouth", or "shut up". shut mouth is a legendary term used by only the most epic of gamers.
nahh nahh shut mouth
- boi during an argument
When a person is stuck in a yucky situation in which their mouth is dried and sticky.
I can't believe that poor girl had to go through that thirty minute make-out session with that boy, i heard he had mad llama mouth!
When You eat a sausage,and then fart,you taste sausage in your mouth
Hey bro ,last night I was so poes honger I ate a worsie and had to take a vet kak and then I had sausage mouth
Someone who's love of sausages is so extreme it has completely altered the smell of their breath to what can only be decribed as entering a room that has been scented by sausage candles. You may think this sounds like a delightful would be very wrong
Edwards don't you breath on me you've got sausage mouth
The ability to play every percussion instrument including different sorts of drums and cymbals using different parts of your mouth and nasal passage.
All hail mutha fuckin deezy; lord of the mouth drums!