When you want your computer to say something funny because you are at school and bored out of your mind
mommy oh yes daddy la la mommy gaga ladyman oh so embarrassing
mommy oh yes daddy la la mommy gaga ladyman oh so embarrassing
Another way to say “she really didn’t just go there” or “she better stop”. This line is normally said by a person on the sidelines of a conversation two people are having, like an instigator.
This line is also used repeatedly in Rupaul’s drag race
The “better” in the sentence is also pronounced “betta”
Person: “that why you built like tree bark”
Instigator: “oh no she better don’t”
Something a mom texts you thinking it’s a clever way of saying (OMG)
A positive way to reply to good news
Person 1: yo bro I got laid last night
Person 2: oh gang!
Person 1: wyd
Person 2:talking to my crush... I think she likes me
Person 1: oh gang!
when you have a stupid friend that makes a dumb comment and you want to say oh Jesus Christ but you say oh yer instead
or when you say a sarcastic comment oh yer.
justin didn't make this saying oh yer
It's a French expression, but doesn't mean what you think it does
Oh la la! Un autre embouteillage?! Mon chef va me foutre à la Porte si j'arrive en retard! (Oh god, another traffic jam?! My boss is going to sack me if I arrive late!)