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Urban Dictionary

A web page so awesome that everyone should know about it

bruh lets go onto urban dictionary .com

by bruh just let me into urban September 29, 2020

Urban Dictionary

Really funny, gay, and sexual fantasies for every meaning!

I wish I had my own Urban Dictionary

by Titans Fall October 31, 2014

Urban Dictionary

The thing your on now

Person 1: Have you been on Urban Dictionary?
Person 2: Yeah it's soo Dirty

by That_Random_Bitch August 12, 2019

Urban Dictionary

The website you are currently on, that has definitions for words, but most of the time the definitions given are very absurd, usually sexual, and can also make you very sad when you go look up a normal word like 'pineapple', and then someone tells you you're stupid. But, it can also be a fun ride as you look through the ridiculous things people have wrote for definitions.

Person: Well, I'm bored. I'm going to go onto Urban Dictionary and see some definitions people came up with.
Person: Alright, what word should I look up first? Oh! How about 'birthday'?
Urban Dictionary: "The day I came out of a vagina"
Person:.....Ok, I mean, that's not wrong. But, I was expecting the celebration of ones birth. Eh, lets try something else.
Person: How about 'chlorine'?
Urban Dictionary: "The cologne of summer"
Person:.....Again, that isn't technically wrong. But....ah, forget it.
Person: Oh, I got one! How about 'pineapple'? I should get a simple definition for that.
Urban Dictionary: A word Urban Dictionary makes me feel bad for looking up its definition"
Person:.....Wait, what? What do they mean by that?
Person: *Scrolls down to the second definition for 'pineapple'*
Urban Dictionary: "Why the shit would you want to search up the definition of pineapple. It's a god damn fruit and there is no definition for pineapple. If you're reading this, you're retarded."
Person: Well, I don't know if I should be sad about being called retarded, or the fact that this person thinks 'pineapple' has no definition.
Person: Maybe another definition will cheer me up.
Person: I got it! How about, 'alphabet'? It's literally the alphabet. What kind of definition could someone make for it?
Urban Dictionary: "The act of using the alphabet to bring a woman considerable pleasure during cunnilingus."
Person:..........Why does our species exist?

by The fish nish. April 22, 2019

Urban Dictionary

The online dictionary society needed.

Grandma: Boy, what does 'pog' mean?

Grandson: Check the Urban Dictionary.

by IgnitedCrew November 11, 2022

Urban dictionary

Post COVID-19 Hollywood jokes.

Urban dictionary the card game is coming soon.

by EddieBrock5 September 2, 2023

Urban Dictionary

did you actually just searched it,moron.

:clown: the urban dictionary informs you that you are in fact,on the website.

by MinuteManDan! February 19, 2021