Your broke af and you reaaaally want McDonalds
I need Happy Meal
When you invite a female over (who has a little baby/child).
I don't mind coming through but i have a happy meal, if you don't mind
Slang term used to discribe drug paraphernalia. Especially those sold in stores to keep things secret.
Aye, im gona run to the corner liquor store and get some happy meals for these fiends!
When a man has an over abundance of preejaculate while inside a woman, pulls out, and goes down on her, inevitably eating his own sperm.
“Hey Luke! Carla told me about how she served you a Happy Meal last night before you went in for the full burger.”
Quick, mediocre sex given as a throwaway. When you’re not into the sex but you give it to your partner anyway.
I wasn’t really feeling her, but I gave her a happy meal since she showed up, ha
A family friendly way of describing jiz, man fat or gentlemans relish.
A covert way of drawing attention to a semen stain or residue on someone's clothing or body.
Elizabeth: "so Megan, it was wonderful to meet you and spend Xmas with you and Harry, even if you have spent most of your time in the bedroom".
Megan: "thank you, it has been really nice to meet you and Phillip also.
Elizabeth: "just one thing before you go...I suggest you visit the bathroom and wipe Harry's Happy Cream from your cheek, dear. The paparazzi will have you for fucking breakfast if you go out in that state".
Megan: "Yes ma'am"
Sandringham Palace December 2017
When two people shake hands and put a penis between both hands. Shaking until completion.
Me and Emily had a very happy greeting last night until I came