A phrase used to denote that one is using an all ghost type team in Pokémon.
I just got the new Pokémon game and I'm playing the sketch.
When a person with an obscene amount of Cryptocurrency uses their wealth to control the price of a certain coin
I was going to invest in that coin until I saw that Whale Play was keeping the price down
When a couple is constantly putting their hands on each other, sexually and otherwise, in enclosed public spaces.
Tom: I gave my brother and his girl a ride to the movies yesterday, but they kept playing hands in my backseat.
Dick: Dude, they ever heard of too much PDA?
A euphemism for jacking off. Originated from that one time David Ellefson, the former bassist of Megadeth, jacked off on camera
"Just playing da bass, Euphoria is my favorite bassline"
Playing ya role, playing the game how you know it, using what u know to play
She think she playing me so imma just play the cut
A term used for masturbation.
Oh! Jesus christ Tommy! Are you playing with your parrot in the middle of this party!?
Code for a gay makeout session.
Parent - Hey son what were you and your friend doing upstairs?
Son - Ummm, we were just “playing Halo”.
Parent - Alright then.