Source Code

1 3 00

6 555 0 6

1 3 00 6 555 0 6 It could save your life

by T4K3 4 GU355 July 26, 2022

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


Congratulations...you have reached the absolute as I had. You've tried to find weird keyboard combinations and have reached here... Welcome. Take a load off!

I can't believe there is a Urban Dictionary entry for "1/2.3,4m5n6b7v8c9x0zq'w;elrktjyhugifodpsa-\=" !

by Maximindian Pegasus February 16, 2023

2πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

academy 1

a decent school, but sometimes they give way too much projects
the people are nice and are actually helpful when you need it, not during tests though.

how many projects have you done in a month?
oh, you go to academy 1?

by hambrecht October 21, 2022

1πŸ‘ 2πŸ‘Ž


He’s a big marvel fan. He thinks cars 2 is the best movie. He’s the best TikTok editor. He’s famous.

.mxrvel.1 is ho- I mean cool

by randomuser1846395 April 17, 2022

1πŸ‘ 1πŸ‘Ž

"><img src=x onerror=alert(1)>

"><img src=x onerror=alert(1)>

"><img src=x onerror=alert(1)>

by sddgdgfgg October 11, 2018


Oh my lord, the absolute PEAK of boredom, this disturbing amalgamation of numbers, letters, and symbols is the event of uh... I don't even know man.... How did you- how did you even come across this? just how exactly bored are you??? Come on man do you even exist at this point? Are you a rasin???

"It's `1\'/=-.,poiuyhnmjtrewsdxcvbqaz/.,;'\-=ing time"
"Did you `1\'/=-.,poiuyhnmjtrewsdxcvbqaz/.,;'\-= today?"

by December 9, 2024

#1 dad salute

When you flip off your dad because you’re pissed at him

My dad gave me grief about my grades so I gave him the #1 dad Salute

by sidmon69 October 25, 2019