A scraggly, hairly, disgruntled looked man usually wearing something like a mustard stained wife beater, cargo shorts, and flip flops. Hes got a massive bed head (and ego too) and speaks incoherently half the time, while the other half he just shit talks you. You'll find him slumped in a stool at the slot machines at the Bellagio or some other Vegas casino drinking a dos equis and smoking menthol 100s at 10 AM. He'll be there for hours, wasting away his money he earned from working as a janitor at a Mickey D's. He farts those loud, noxious, and deady clouds of poison that could clear a 300 sq ft. room, and walks like a zombie, shuffling through the hallways of the hotel, with glazed eyes gazing at everyone passing by him, as he walks back to his hotel room to get hammered and pass out, and wake up at 2 AM to go out and go back down the casino to waste even more of his money, until he checks out of the hotel, broke, disheartened, and left worse than when he came.
Yo dude I was walking out of my hotel room to go downstairs for a beer, and this fuckin' bellagio bum ass motherfucker comes shuffling down the hallway after me, and I got fuckin' creeped out and closed the elevator before he got in, and I could hear him shouting shit while in the elevator, like, wtf bro.
A deadbeat has-been that begs for money in a chat room. Panhandling chat bums usually log in chat 24 hours 7 days a week even longer than the chat bots sometimes, making sure not to miss an opportunity to beg for beer money. Chat room begging is usually a panhandling chat bum 's only source of income.
I have a job interview tomorrow and i'm so broke right now that i'm really hoping i get it, if not i'm just going to give up and become a panhandling chat bum.
Panhandling chat bums are jobless and usually log into chat rooms 24 hours 7 days a week and are usually there even more often than the chat bots, making sure not to miss an opportunity to beg for beer money. Chat room begging is usually a panhandling chat bum's only source of income.
I have a job interview tomorrow and if I don't get hired I'll probably have to become a panhandling chat bum .
You Stick your ass on a man that’s name starts with an A S H T O N
I just gave Ashton a Crazy BUM BUM
Commonly used in English slang as a butt buddy. A man who has sexual interactions with another man, but not romantically.
Tim and Eric seem too into each other. I think they are bum bruvs.