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Phone Call to Putin

Phone Call to Putin (Russian: звонок Путину) is a slang term used by some Russian police departments for torture method which consists of administering electric shocks to the person's earlobes. According to Amnesty International, torture with electric shocks is common in Russia.

source: youtube/torture cases,wikipedia

if you don't sign the confession maybe we need to be putting you through to a Phone Call to Putin my friend.

by SnowDen89 December 14, 2015

Ur call

When you let someone make there own choice. Even though the right thing to do is go cuddle and watch a movie.

Its ur call if you are coming over

by Chzburger December 28, 2016

call of duty modern warfare 4

A shitty FPS from the Call of Duty series where there is literally only one good mission (yeah the sniping one) and in multiplayer you get killed by a grenade before the screen even lights up.

~ Hey bro let's play some Call of Duty Modern Warfare 4
– Nah it's shit man

by JigglesTheDog June 26, 2017

thot calling

Thot calling is when female post something on their story risky begging for attention

Me:bro did you see that girls story last night

Bro:yeah bro she was Thot calling

by kingjaythefirst May 4, 2021


The process of accepting as many logged problems as possible in a given accounting period in order to make your colleagues look like ass monglers

The Dudley crew are always call-grabbing.

by Eggbert Observer February 25, 2003

call me papi

He is one of the top warzone 60fps just like stomypooh hes the best fortnite gamer hes a real gamer

call me papi and stomy is natsy at sucking big cock

by gcy3evcu3rc3r February 24, 2022

bachata call

A late night summons -- often made via telephone -- to arrange clandestine bachata dance liaisons on an ad hoc basis.

-OMG girl guess who called me out of the blue late last night wanting to come over my house?


-It was jo! Girl I haven't talk to him in weeks, but I let him come over. It was a total bachata call, but it was fun! I learnt so many new steps!

by jo fara May 28, 2018