An attractive, or whimsical yet unexpected rarity/oddity; something that would cause a person, at the sight of it to say, "Wull gee, aint that somethin?" Such as finding a two dollar bill folded into a crane under your seat at a football game, or finding some petrified wood that still looks exactly like a stick, or a two-headed jackal-ope in a taxidermy shop, or a mini-cooper with giant tires and hydraulics.
Well I'll be darned ... aint that a blond duck of all things? A mobile cheese shop that goes around via a cow-shaped blimp... I will indeed be darned.
National 4 legged duck day
Comon lets go catch a 4 legged duck it’s National 4 legged duck day.
A game that is the better version among us. Created in 2021, it has more roles, voice chat, and a lot of fucking fun.
Have you heard of the new Goose Goose duck game?
When a person avoid confrontation because they are scared.
Me: clu get loud
clu: no
Me: clu why you ducking me?
using stroking motions to draw a phallus to the point of fulfilment
hey baby, wanna come over and burp my duck?
an alternate of fubar or f'd up
damn son that situation is a fup duck
When a girl has become that aroused that a puddle forms from the moisture between her legs.
That chick was such a puddle duck that I had to go buy a new mattress after lastnight