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Specialized Edison

The fancy way of saying "special ed".

Jerry: Whats up Specialized Edison

Your Mom: Thats not my name Jerry, we broke up 3 years ago, get over it.

Jerry: And thats why your half brothers sister was in special ed!

by SpecializedEdisonCreator January 17, 2021

Gagne Special

Wearing a button up that’s floral with khakis

Hey it looks like your wearing the gagne special today, nice!

by nigerian dwarf July 30, 2024

McGlynn Special

Eating out a girl while she takes a shit.

She was taking a shit and I gave her a McGlynn Special. She creamed immediately.

by MIles Loong May 21, 2023

Beecher Special

A certain kind of erotic manoeuvre, involving heavy use of Tribal Music as audial foreplay.

Girl: Are you ready for your Beecher Special tonight? 😏😏😏

Boy: Ooh yes, let me prepare the indigenous melodies.

by Harry m8s October 23, 2020

The Special

When someone rubs there hand on their scrotum or anus and puts it on someone’s body, possessions, or food. Make sure before you commit this ancient torture method, you say “ Hey man, you know we’re friends, right?

I gave dean the special by putting my sweaty asshole on an airhead and fed it to him.

by Chris got it May 10, 2022

The Special

The Special is getting a hand job under the table in a public setting.

Pete: Bro, Jess gave Ronny the special at the dinner table!
Steve:oh shit, in front of his parents

Pete: Hahaha, yup!

Steve: That's nuts!

by Kimmiekakes July 3, 2020

The special

When a girl is giving a boy a blow job and she lubes her fingers with spit and starts fingering your ass and a sucking your dick

John you want the special tonight

by Yung Quis January 31, 2020