If someone runs circles around you they are sped
“I am running circles around you”
Running as far as you want in any direction then taking an uber home.
I went uber running earlier. I went 15 miles west, a new record.
I keep my run fresh by uber running.
When I want to explore I go uber running.
The action of going to McDonald's to get food. The best time for a Dons run is late at night after a few brewskis and when the car is so full that three of the boys have to squeeze in the trunk.
Anyone up for a little Dons run right after I rip the last of this two-four?
When you report on a story that doesn't pan out, then don't issue an apology and just report on something else.
Misinformation is partly due to hit and run journalism.
Reporting on a story, then when the story turns out to be a hoax, you don't retract the story.
The Jessie smollett saga is pure hit-and-run journalism
When a media story you've reported on turns out to be fake and you won't even issue an apology
The smollet hoax is hit-and-run journalism
When a story you're reporting on doesn't turn out be exactly what you expect it to be.
When a story doesn't fit your facts and your world-view and you just ignore the story and move on. .. that's hit and run journalism for you