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by SuelTameOresuTeMato February 23, 2025

I'm taking everything from you

I’m taking everything from you, give me you’re phone. - alphrad

I'm taking everything from you

by • Intelligent Man • March 14, 2023

Nash from Pallet town

a very independent lesbian that has TO MANY men simping for her. she really did catch them all. she also likes soccer and without her glasses looks like she has not slept in decades.

"nash from pallet town has a nice ass"
" wow nash from pallet town you're really good at soccer!"
"nash from pallet town nash from pallet town nash from pallet town nash from pallet town"

by bebes_are_delicious June 23, 2021

with a little help from my friends

greatest cover of all times. performed by cole preston from wallows. it belongs to rochi aka zukosnight

with a little help from my friends its rochi's cover

by November 1, 2020

whore from fife

a term of abuse that incorporates the two insults of being a whore and coming from fife.

hey,you've just taken my last fag,you whore from fife.

by apex dave January 18, 2011

im from the golden

a place in miami where lots of street gangs hang out. if you say you are fro the golden in other neighborhoods, you most likely will get shot up and killed. if you go to golden glades and say you are a zoe, golden gang members will let off shots. watch out for those golden glades gangstaz.

im from the golden you bitch ass zoe

by November 28, 2022

At the airport, getting my family from Boston

Banging your boyfriend while watching planes fly

Cmon Amanda, we all know what “At the airport, getting my family from Boston” means.

by Mopballs February 24, 2022