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soft play hotdesking

Taking your work with you when you take your children to an indoor soft play centre, for example paperwork or laptop, and doing said work whilst the children are playing.

Today I saw several parents soft play hotdesking when I took my children to the indoor play centre.

by llamacroft October 13, 2014

playing on the porch

A form of ass play with no penetration of thy tongue, finger, or other devices. It’s simply playing on the porch. One might think of it as a type of rim job Ringing the doorbell is allowed and encouraged. If no one answers, you may resort to knocking.

Jon: Yo Ben, you smash this weekend?
Ben: Nah me n’ my girl were just playing on the porch instead

by JakeyJakey January 28, 2018

They're playing fair

When females are "being friendly " or open to romantic gestures from men while in a night club.

Guy 1. Hey man why are you leaving? This club is packed with women. Are they playing hard to get?

Guy 2 oh on the contrary my brother, they're playing fair.

by Regina cARD December 19, 2023

They're playing fair

When females are "being friendly " or open to romantic gestures from men while in a night club.

Guy 1. Hey man why are you leaving? This club is packed with women. Are they playing hard to get?

Guy 2 oh on the contrary my brother, they're playing fair.

by Regina cARD December 19, 2023

Radical Play

I thought it was pretty self-evident. (JAZZING!)

"Hey Brittney, want to do some radical play"
"Yes and-"

by Gabrielchez April 12, 2021

Playing Shaker

Coded language for a touring musician sneaking away to masturbate

“Where’s Ed?”
“I think he’s back on the bus
Playing shaker?”

by Rodd Richards July 20, 2022

hey guys play my game

asking someone to play your game

"hey guys play my game, the link is roblox.com/games/8295711387/DOOM-ROBLOX-Port"

by Noah_12317 January 9, 2022