A placeholder: A noun for whenever you can't think of anything to say.
Something a bearded man says when all hope is lost and it's well passed 4am.
where you put chips in a sandwich. I could describe it in three words So Fucking Awesome
Yo try this. what is it A potato sandwich
Potato fetus is when a fat women has a hairy coochie that smells like bunions
Ewww all I can smell is potato fetus
When another man drips jizz on your balls.
Salt my potatoes "Hey Phil, should I leave it in? No! Pull it out and salt my potatoes!!"
A vile, ungodly creation with no equal. The ultimate torture weapon of suburban mother's who don't like to peel potatoes or work late. A plague upon suburbia that leaves only hungry children and carnage in it's wake. A "food" dish from hell itself which can both lacerate the inside of your mouth with water-resistant flakes and also dribble out your mouth as you choke on it and beg for the gentle release of death. Generally, they're pretty terrible. Can be used to great effect in soups if you're allergic to flour though.
"Sweetie, I made instant mashed potatoes to go with dinner."
"Fuck you. I'm going out for Thai food. Eat that crap yourself."
When a girl farts and it rolls up and into her vagina and then she has to fart it out again.
That girl farted a twice baked potato and it stunk up the room.
Person who eats an unholy amount of potato's.
Damn Hayden you a potato expert.