“Punch yo butt” is the latest slang that’s sweeping the nation!! Instead of saying “fuck you” you just throw them a “punch yo butt” and the harshness of the burn mixed in with the hilarity of the phrase makes it comedy gold.
Mark told Isaac, “I have to cancel day drinking to go antiquing”. Mark replied with “yo, punch yo butt”
During a blow job when you are about to cum, punch the person who is sucking your dick in the face. They will bite very hard and the cum will spray everywhere.
"Oh my boyfriend doge punched me and now I have a black eye."
Hit the pussy hard like you were punching a small furry animal from down under.
John finally got the girl to go home with him when he told her he was going to punch the koala until it felt like her pussy had gone three rounds with Tyson.
Regarding fighting (Mixed Martial Arts, MMA, UFC or Boxing) when a fighter is punched in the head so that, in slow motion, you see his cauliflower ears flap around like the animated Disney character "Dumbo".
He was hit so hard in the head his ears started to flap. He was Dumbo punched!
When you think a one night stand will be good, then it turns out awful.
Megan said that her and Nate had a hunch punch last night!
It's like a back fist to the brain
These mother fuckers wouldn't stop talkin shit so I skull punched em.
When you can fit your whole fist inside a woman’s vagina
Dude, i had my whole fist in there, it was like punching jellyfish